Big Piph and Tomorrow Maybe

Big Piph is unlike most of the rappers and hip-hop stars on the scene today: he raps about real-life situations from a more relatable point of view — about relationships gone wrong, relationships gone right, being strong in how you live, being good at what you do, and having fun in between the challenges that life throws at us sometimes.
Epiphany, carrying the “I Am Not Them” theme throughout his albums, challenges his listeners to live bigger and better as he attempts to do, to move beyond average, to make an impact in whatever they do — but he does so in a realistic fashion, and instead of describing over-the-top situations and circumstances common among today’s rap lyrics, he encourages us to fashion our own real life into what it should be.
His music — which includes a full backing band — is the stuff we can all relate to, because, after all, Such IS Life.
