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International Composers Forum

Established by American Voices and sponsored by the Sinquefield Foundation, the International Composers Forum (ICF) offers free monthly online gatherings for composers worldwide. Led by top U.S. composers, ICF provides training, inspiration, coaching, and mentoring to YES Academy alumni.

Each ICF segment, following a specific theme, enables student-composers to create new music and collaborate with established U.S.-based institutions and musicians.

The ICF addresses the limited opportunities in composers’ home countries, engaging and supporting students and alumni from regions such as Egypt, Iraq, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Eritrea. In less than a year, ICF has provided more opportunities than many young composers have had in their lifetimes. The growth and excitement witnessed on Zoom weekly are truly inspiring, and we invite you to join this vibrant community!

To access recordings, attend a Zoom meeting, or for more information, contact Dr. Amr Selim.

Group of Iraqi Music Composers
The composition of YES Academy Iraq 2017.
YES Academy Lebanon, 2017. Composer Forum with Dr. Patrick Clark.

We would like to thank the Sinquefield Charitable Foundation for their ongoing support for the International Composers Forum.

Sinquefield Charitable Foundation